So sad to lose a potential star in Rayapour

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February 23

It would be nice to have something to celebrate come Saturday night as this has been a tough week, starting in awful fashion when Rayapour fell and broke a shoulder on the schooling grounds on Monday.

Alan said:”It was devastating to lose Rayapour, particularly for Max McNeill and his family, who had been so patient with him.

“He came to us from Willie Mullins and was much my best novice hurdler. The plan was to run him in the Dovecote at Kempton this week-end and then go on to Cheltenham.

“Rayapour had run a huge race to finish third at Huntingdon on his first appearance for us. He had been off for almost 600 days and looked set to prove he was still a proper horse, so it was such a wrench for everyone to lose him.”