Trueshan shows at Sandown that he’s not yet ready for his pension book

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May 23

Trueshan had to be content with the bronze medal in tonight’s G3 Henry 11 Stakes at Sandown, but our stable star, chasing his 14th success, went down with all guns blazing, especially in view of the fact that he was conceding 7lb to both Sweet William and Caius Chorister.

An inch of rain fell on the Esher course from Tuesday onwards, making underfoot conditions ideal for the mud-loving Trueshan, and he travelled so well for Hollie Doyle, reviving memories of when he won both the Doncaster Cup and Prix du Cadran last September.

Indeed, Trueshan, who opted to play ‘catch me if you can’ when going for home at the three pole, only started to tire in the last half-furlong, but Alan said beforehand that it would be very difficult with his G1 penalty, and, being an eight-year-old, inevitably some of the fire is starting to disappear from his finishing kick.

However, while an Ascot Gold Cup triumph might now be too much to expect, Trueshan certainly displayed enough of his old ability here to suggest he can get off that ‘unlucky 13’ in a Grade 2 or 3 before the end of the season.

It will be a quiet week-end for Barbury, with only two runners on Saturday, and Alshadhian unlikely to leave the yard for the journey north until Haydock give an update on the ground after torrential rain has made the going heavy in places for their two-day meeting.

Alshadhian, who is entered in the penultimate race on Saturday, would be having his first race for Alan, having only recently joined us from Ralph Beckett’s stable. He did run well over the course last September, so win or lose he is an interesting acquisition.

Our only other runner on Saturday is Midnight Rumble, who is entered at Salisbury’s evening meeting. He returned at Chelmsford a fortnight ago following a six-month absence, and he was gelded during that time off. He ought to improve for that comeback run.